Pandemi Covid-19 ini mengharuskan anak-anak belajar di rumah dan secara online.
Banyak juga orangtua yang ingin atau telah memutuskan untuk homeschooling sekalian.
Tentu banyak orangtua yang bingung, materi apa yang harus dipelajari.
Nah untuk menyambut Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan jaman yang serba online / digital ini, saatnya menyiapkan putra-putri Anda untuk belajar sesuai perkembangan jaman ini.
Materi-materi ini saya pilihkan yang terbaik dari ribuan judul koleksi saya. Materi ini juga yang saya berikan kepada anak-anak saya yang homeschooling, dimana setiap hari mereka harus belajar 1-2 video dari tiap subject dan mencatat hasil belajar mereka di template Excel, dan template tersebut juga saya sertakan untuk putra-putri Anda.
Jadi daripada anak-anak belajar sesuatu yang di masa depan akan mereka lupakan seperti pelajaran-pelajaran di sekolah pada umumnya, lebih baik mereka belajar SKILL yang PASTI mereka butuhkan untuk bekerja nantinya.
Akhirnya anak-anak memiliki bahan belajar yang "daging", dan tugas kita sebagai orangtua adalah MENGENALKAN semua bidang pelajaran hingga nantinya anak-anak akan mengarah ke bakat dan passion mereka. Itulah kenapa di tiap paket homeschooling ada berbagai subject / mata pelajaran yaitu bidang programming/coding, office, 3D Modelling, Desain Grafis, dll
Paket homeschooling ini cocok untuk anak SD, SMP, SMA, maupun mahasiswa/i.
Berikut adalah materi belajar Homeschooling :
Learn MERN Stack Development with React + Redux as Front End and Node + Express as Backend By doing 15 Hands-On Projects
React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces. Similar to Facebook's Flux architecture, it was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser
MERN is one of several variations of the MEAN stack (MongoDB Express Angular Node), where the traditional Angular.js frontend framework is replaced with React.js. Other variants include MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node), and really any frontend JavaScript framework can work.
Express and Node make up the middle (application) tier. Express.js is a server-side web framework, and Node.js the popular and powerful JavaScript server platform. Regardless of which variant you choose, ME(RVA)N is the ideal approach to working with JavaScript and JSON, all the way through.
What you'll learn :
Everything you need to make advanced PowerPoint presentation slides, animations & videos. Get advanced at PowerPoint
Do you want to DESIGN TOP-NOTCH SLIDES like a professional designer?
Do you want to GET COMFORTABLE WITH ANIMATION in PowerPoint?
Do you want to CREATE VIDEOS in PowerPoint that are ready to publish online?
Would you like to GET BETTER AS A DESIGNER, entrepreneur, business professional, or …?
This course will prepare you with all the tools, knowledge, and skills that you need to reach the goals in the questions above. With this course, you can master PowerPoint and become a more capable and complete designer!
What you'll learn :
Basic and essential Excel knowledge and skills for your working environments
Thank you for choosing my course. My name is Long Nguyen, I have been working with Excel for more than a decade, and I am here to help you improve your knowledge and skills to work with Microsoft Excel 2016, from the very beginning to advanced levels. If you really want to master Excel in a real working environment, this course is for you. Please watch my videos carefully, do the quizzes, then download the materials to practise as much as possible. Finally, download the answers to check your work. Thank you again for choosing my course, and let's take charge of Excel.
What you'll learn :
3 courses in 1 | Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced English Grammar. Conversation Examples and Practice Problems.
What you'll learn :
Don’t waste your time buying dozens of English grammar courses. Everything you need is all in this English Grammar Master Course. This is the only course that teaches you English grammar in use and also shows you how to use it in real English conversation.
Every lesson has dozens of useful English Grammar examples, video lecture, guided practice, real life English conversation, and worksheet pdf full of practice problems to help you learn English.
Every lesson comes with the following :
Learn to create professional graphics with photoshop and illustrator and create living from it. logo, web design & more.
This course will guide you and teach you professional level skills about logo design, icon design, web design, business card design and most important it will teach you multiple different way to make money with them. Simply it will help you to start your new web graphic designing carrier.
After completing this course!
You will be able to :
Discover how to be the best Adobe Illustrator user you know. This comprehensive, project-based course is the second in a series of three courses by industry pro Deke McClelland. In this course, Deke doesn't just talk about how to leverage different Illustrator features—he ties each concept to a clearly-defined task, ensuring that you close out each section of the course with a practical understanding of the concepts. Discover how to convert scanned line art to scalable, vector-based path outlines using the automated Image Trace feature. Plus, learn how to make a logo using the transformation tools, create an emoji with the Gradient tool, and turn a simple circle into an intricate origami flower using the dynamic effects in Illustrator.
Topics include :
In this Skillshare class, you will design, model, and texture your own 3D character! Your project will be creating a rotating video of your character. We will be using Blender 3D, a free open-source software to create our character in 3D. You will be guided through the process of designing, modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering a character for 3D.
This course will cover skills traditionally used in animation, motion design, video game design, and some VFX.
We will be optimizing workflow for speed and efficiency. No prior knowledge is necessary, but some familiarity with Blender’s interface will be helpful. If you're brand new to Blender or need a refresher, I'd recommend checking out this class (add class link) before getting started.
Software FULL VERSION yang digunakan pada paket belajar homeschooling ini (senilai jutaan rupiah) :
Paket spesial bagi Anda yang ingin putra-putrinya belajar materi yang berisi FULL SKILL dan TERSTRUKTUR.
Harga semua materi sebenarnya adalah lebih dari JUTAAN RUPIAH, namun harga spesial untuk Anda hari ini :
NB : PENAWARAN ini bisa HILANG kapan saja, segera amankan untuk Anda SEKARANG.
Selain produk diatas, Para Pelanggan biasanya juga membeli produk berikut ini :