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Bila kita tahu caranya, kesuksesan cepat dan mudah diraih...
Dan bila kita belajar kepada para terbaik di dunia, maka kita akan tahu caranya...

Paket Sukses 15

Versi 2
Materi terus diupdate
, so pastikan Anda melakukan update

Materi#1 : Ultimate Sales Machine - Chet Holmes $16.47 (Harga Ecer Rp. 80.000,-)

Ultimate Sales Machine

Chet Holmes is one of the greatest teachers of marketing, sales, and business success in the world today. This incredible book will supercharge results in every part of your business. (Brian Tracy, author of The Way to Wealth)

Reading Chet Holmes’s book can turn your business into a high-performing, massively profitable, superior money-making force in whatever field or market you compete in. . . . It’s essential reading for anyone craving business greatness and prosperity. (Jay Abraham, author of Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got)

Chet has the best material I’ve seen for how to attract an army of top producers and how to get the most out of them once you get them. (T. Harv Eker, bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)

The Ultimate Sales Machine is an amazing book that will powerfully change the way you do business. Chet Holmes is a one-of-a-kind talent and this incredibly practical book is the embodiment of his highly successful approach. (Stephen M. R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust)

The Ultimate Sales Machine [is] a book that puts it all together to help you dramatically increase your sales if you are wise enough to follow its advice. (Michael Gerber, bestselling author of The E-Myth and E-Myth Revisited)

No hype or theory here. Chet offers sound, yet simple, business advice to grow your business stronger than ever! (Tom Hopkins, author of How to Master the Art of Selling)

This book will be a classic for as long as businesses seek to improve their profits, their sales, and their futures. (Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the Guerrilla Marketing series)

This is by far the best sales book I have ever read and I have read hundreds. As someone who runs [more than] fifteen companies and employs more than six hundred people, I can honestly say this is a book I will refer to for decades to come. (A. Harrison Barnes, CEO, Juriscape)

Chet not only knows more and better ways to grow sales than probably anyone, but even more important, he has the systems that make his concepts realistic and easy to implement. Most of the books I’ve read on business growth are interesting. But this man’s material is out-of- the-park great.

Materi#2 : Business Growth Mastery 3.0 - Chet Holmes (Harga Ecer Rp. 200.000,-)

Learn how Chet Holmes doubled the sales of every company he ever ran, most of them in 12 months flat, and how anyone, especially YOU, can do the same exact thing...


Our goal for is really very straight forward... To help you increase your sales and profits. To provide you with actionable strategies and systems that you can use to grow your business beyond anything you ever expected, or even hoped. This is why we are offering a free consultation and our "Business Growth Kit" at this Web site.

Contact us and you will receive a free 45 minute, one-on-one business building brainstorming session with a highly trained business growth expert, plus our "Business Growth Kit" that includes a copy of our "Market Domination Report" and a corresponding audio file of Chet Holmes. No selling will take place during that period. You have our word on that. At the end of the 45 minutes, if you then want to know about what we've built to help business owners, and only if you want to know, they will then take another 15 minutes or so to tell you about the programs we have available. You have nothing to lose and can only gain.

The session will be a superb blend of insight about how to better-manage and market every aspect of your business. You will learn - all for free in the first 45 minutes:

The three things that all $100 million business owners learn the hard way.
A technique for doubling sales that has worked again and again, and costs less than $100 per month to deploy - bringing the BEST BUYERS in your market to you over all your competitors.
How to dramatically soup up your referrals - for free.
How to make all your efforts that you're already doing, yield up to two (2) to four (4) times MORE RESULTS for the SAME MONEY you're spending now.
How to make your success MUCH MORE SYSTEMATIC. The best companies put procedures into place that make their companies bullet-proof.

And that's only the start. From the opening few minutes, after you've told them about your business and given them your greatest challenges, they will set out to help you solve your problems with brilliant insights that cost nearly $100 million to accumulate.

Video List :
01.Program Introduction - Zero To $100 Million
02.Business Secrets of the Worlds Most Effective Entrepreneurs
03.Time Management Secrets of Billionaires
04.Become a Marketing Master The Super Strategist Wins Every Time
05.Core Story & Basic Research Sourcing
06.The Dream 100 Sell Plus Strategies for Gaining Clients
07.Seven Must of Marketing Tactics for Gaining Clients
08.How To Hire Superstar Salespeople
09.ProfitNOW Workshop
10.Creating the Perfect Ad No Matter What The Media
11.Internet Traffic and Website Strategies
12.Fundamentals of Web Traffic Conversion
13.Detailing & Perfecting the Sales Process
14.Integrity Based Selling
15.Guerrilla Public Relations
16.The High Art of Getting Appointments With Anyone Part 1
17.The High Art of Getting Appointments With Anyone Part 2
18.Professional Presenting Rules & Skills Training
19.Perfecting Your Follow-Up Keys to Future Success
20.Subconsciously Seeking Success Goal Setting for Increasing Results
21.Referral Workshop
22.Prioritizing and Maximizing Your Oppertunities

Paper List :
BGM 3.0 Workbook.pdf
Core Story Example.ppt

Materi#3 : Ultimate Business Mastery System (Harga Ecer Rp. 500.000,-)

Materi Dahsyat ini dijual di dengan harga $4495

Lead Your Business Effectively, Efficiently & Profitably To Thrive In Any Economic Time

Marketing methods from Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes can work true performance miracles for your business.



I've found that most business owners and managers are somewhat out of touch with the fundamentals of how to implement great marketing. I have some discomforting news that could, ironically, totally transform your business fate.

Despite the fact that engineering powerful, breakthrough marketing and sales programs must be your chief priority, you probably do very little with all the powerful concepts and strategies I've shared with you in the past. Invariably, if I sat you down right now and drilled you on the core material you've learned from me, I'd probably find you're doing about 2% to 10% implementation of the true potential, and that's costing you a fortune!

You may disagree, especially if you've had success in business or used a couple of my principles to reap a handsome windfall or two. You may even think you're a good marketer. You may not like to hear it, but I'll prove to you that you still have something important, no, make that critical, to learn before your business can begin to deliver the profits you deserve.

Despite what you might think about your business-building or strategic marketing ability, you're probably miles away from marketing greatness --- and you'll remain hopelessly off course until you recognize and fully acknowledge this simple fact:

Great marketers are made, not born.

It requires discipline, a precise system, and a highly strategic plan to really develop your personal marketing genius. If you want to grow your business like a weed, gain a decisive competitive advantage, attract new customers in droves, and double and redouble your profits --- then you need to open your mind to one overriding "big" idea:

My marketing methods can work true performance miracles for your business.

But you will never reap their rich rewards, unless you develop a systematic process to strategically implement them. The problem is that most people don't know how to implement a strategic marketing system. Do you?

Find out through a one-on-one, free 30-minute Executive Briefing where we'll go over the 5 most expensive mistakes CEO's make in growing their business.

I purchased the home study Coaching program in 2006. I wasn't seeing the results that I was hoping for and went to the rep who sold it to me, Ted Miller III. When we spoke he recalled my former challenges and why I had purchased it. He then took me to task and called me out on the carpet for not implementing it better. He even offered to help personally coach me to help me get to where I needed to go. UPDATE: It's now 2010 and I've since sold that company and have started two others successful companies. Thank you Chet for putting this program together. Thank you Ted for holding my feet to the fire and believing in me to accomplish what I had set my mind to do. For anyone wondering if this program is for them, the answer is YES!
Ryan S. Nickel - The Ryan Nickel Co

Materials You Will Get :

Anthony Robbins DVD Set

    Quick Start: How to Get Maximum Results Out of This Program
    Invincible Leadership: The Secret to Explosive Growth
    The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business: How to Create Geometric Growth Now
    Strategic Innovation: 5 Actions that Will Give You an Unfair Advantage
    The Power of Influence: Solve Problems & Win!
    The Rapid Planning Method: 3 Master Steps to Take Immediate Control of Your Time, Your Life & Your Business
    The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness
    How We Went from Zero to a Billion in the Home Building Business with CEO Gerardo de Nicolas

    Bonus: The Ultimate Forumla for Creating Lasting Change with Gene McNaughton

    Anthony Robbins Workbook

Chet Holmes DVD Set

  • Becoming a Marketing Master: Secrets of the Super Strategist and How to Build a Core Story
  • How to Build a Complete, Turnkey Virtual Sales Organization on Straight Commission
  • Best Buyer Strategy: The Fastest, Least Expensive Method to Double Sales
  • Create the Ultimate Competitive Advantage: How to Go from $0 to $100 Million...Or a Billion
  • Time and Results Management Secrets of Billionaires
  • Hiring and Talent: The Key that Makes (Or Costs) You Millions
  • The Seven "Musts" of Marketing
  • Detailing and Perfecting the Sales Process
  • Perfecting Your Follow-Up
  • The High Art of Getting Appointments with Anyone - Part 1
  • The High Art of Getting Appointments with Anyone - Part 2
  • Professional Presenting: Rules and Skills Training

    Chet Holmes Workbook

Modeling The Masters DVD Set

    The Speed of Trust
    The Zappos Story : How We Deliver Happiness & Make Billions
    The Strategy of Preeminence: Understanding the Needs of Your Clients to Maximize Your Business Success
    How to Think Like a Marketing Genius
    Turning Your Passion into a Successful Business
    Vishen Lakhiani, Anik Singal, Mike Koenigs & Doug Williams
    Consultative Selling
    The Windfall Profits Workshop
    Create the News, Control Your Message
    What's Your Company Worth? Billionaire Secrets
    The Hierarchy of Opportunities Workshop

    Modeling The Masters Workbook

Materi#4 : Ellies Sutrisna Collection (Harga Ecer Rp. 80.000,-)


Ellies Sutrisna dikenal sebagai penulis buku "12 Jurus Jitu Meroketkan Bisnis" dan "Achieving Financial Independence". Memegang Master License & Certified Coach Brian Tracy's Focal Point Coaching dan License Practitioner of NLP & Certified Firewalk Trainer tak heran diberi Ellies Sutrisna julukan The BEST (Book writer E ntrepreneur S peaker T rainer) Female Inspirator & Motivator

7 Steps of Business Profitability (senilai Rp. 99.000,-)

10 Keys To Business Success (senilai Rp. 99.000,-)

12 Orientasi Kesuksesan Bisnis dan Pribadi (senilai Rp. 99.000,-)

Materi#5 : Business Forms & Letters (GREAT BUNDLE!)


Kumpulan template format surat dan formulir untuk kepentingan bisnis Anda, mulai dari surat penawaran bisnis, real estate, pinjam-meminjam, ketenagakerjaan, dll semua ada disini

Update version 2

Materi#6 : Royke Sahetapi - Cara Gila Jadi Pengusaha (Harga Ecer Rp. 80.000,-)


Merupakan video rekaman seminar dengan durasi 5 jam lebih, yang sukses dibawakan ke 92 kota se Indonesia, lulusan dari Entrepreneur University yang telah memiliki banyak perusahaan ini akan membagikan cara kreatif dalam berbisnis, sehingga bisnis Anda menjadi lebih dikenal dan laris.

"Seminar ini kita sadar, betapa dahsyatnya cara gila menjadi pengusaha. Bukalah bisnis, karena rugi dan untung sama saja. Bisnis itu menguntungkan bagaimana caranya merubah mentalnya.
Rubah kelemahan menjadi kekuatan. Bukalah bisnis jangan melihat untung ruginya. Bisnis itu resiko tapi ga punya bisnis lebih beresiko,"

Materi#7 : Handi Irawan - 10 Karakter Unik Konsumen Indonesia (Harga Ecer Rp. 50.000,-)


Jangan sampai Anda memasarkan produk Anda tanpa Menonton DVD ini !
01 Karakter 01 Memori Jangka Pendek
02.Karakter 02 Tidak Mempunyai Perencanaan
03.Karakter 03 Suka Berkumpul
04.Karakter 04 Gaptek
05.Karakter 05 Menggunakan Context Bukan Content
06.Karakter 06 Suka Buatan Luar Negeri
07.Karakter 07 Beragama dan Suka Supranatural
08.Karakter 08 Pamer & Gengsi
09.Karakter 09 Kekuatan Sub-Culture
10.Karakter 10 Rendah Kesadaran Thd Lingkungan

Materi#8 : Stockbill 2010 Enterprise (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)


Software point of sale yang mudah digunakan tapi powerfull, akan membantu dalam mengurus bisnis Anda.

Seluruh materi diatas dikemas dalam 1 paket dengan HARGA GILLAAA, yaitu :

Paket Sukses 15 (PS15)
Harga = Rp.  800.000,-

Tunggu apa lagi segera pesan sekarang juga !

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