Bila kita tahu caranya, maka hidup ini tidak sulit...
Bila kita tahu caranya, kesuksesan cepat dan mudah diraih...
Dan bila kita belajar kepada para terbaik di dunia, maka kita akan tahu caranya...

Versi 1
Materi terus diupdate, so pastikan Anda melakukan update
Materi#1 : Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer - Super Confrence 2009 3 DVD (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)

If You attend no other event in 2009 and invest in no other resources to fight economic woes… attending the SuperConferenceSM is not an option… it’s a business requirement!
Every so often, an economic cycle seperates man from boys, tough from weak, agile from dull. In selling, salespeople often mimic poorly performing athletes when they talk about “being in a slump.” And slumps do occur sometimes with obvious stimulus, such as recession; other times, solely as a result of private reasons. Either way, it’s not the getting into a slump or the existence of slumps that matters. It’s how you get yourself to play your way out.”
1) WHAT??!!?? – HE SAYS IT CAN BE EASIER TO MAKE A TON OF MONEY IN BAD TIMES THAN GOOD? IS HE LOONEY? DISCOVER the unique opportunity presented by troubled times, by the one thing people are looking for more than anything else during such times that you can provide, that makes people eager buyers and stuck-like-glue customers and champion-advocates to a far greater extreme than during calmer times, and attracts customers/clients to you who might otherwise be resistant. YES, using this ‘One Big Thing’, it can actually be easier to make money during rocky economies than during calm times.
"2) SSSHHH! – HERE’S A SECRET NO ONE ELSE KNOWS (including your competitors): there is something much, much, much more important than the reality-of-recession, in the minds and emotions of customers/clients with ample ability to buy yet hesitation and resistance; deal with this and make it “OK to
buy”, and watch sales SOAR! (Affluent customers actually explained this ‘mental block’ to a New York Times interviewer – and told astute marketers exactly what they need to say, to make the ‘block’ go away.)"
"3) HE PROMISES: PENNY-PINCHERS’LL HAVE MENTAL ORGASMS over Dan’s pulled-out-of-therecession-rescue-toolbox, dirt-cheap, guerilla warfare strategies for making “champagne sales” happen on a Budweiser drinker’s budget. You can squeeze that nickel until the cowboy’s ridin’ the buffalo. TEN “CHEAPSKATE STRATEGIES” to bring dollars in the door, fast ‘n certain.
Why Attending The SuperConferenceSM Is
THE Mandatory PLACE For Every Gold Members
* This is THE PLACE where the ‘elite’, most committed GKIC Members gather together once every year
* This is THE PLACE to learn how to rise above Recession
* This is THE PLACE where for multiple days you get to immerse yourself into marketing and moneymaking, being exposed to the highest quality, variety, and depth and breadth of what’s working
* This is THE PLACE where you can meet the person, make the contact, find the vendor, unearth the opportunity or get the idea that literally changes your life.
* This is THE PLACE where millions are made in the hallways. (There are no other hallways like The SuperConferenceSM hallways!)
* This is THE PLACE where you can invest in yourself
* Heck...This is THE PLACE Where the Light Bulb Goes Off and ‘GOLD’ Members Scream Out...I finally “Get It”!"
4) HUNT WHERE THE HUNTIN’S GOOD: Dan says: in recession, there are Two Types Of Customers “Quietly” EAGER…EAGER, EAGER, EAGER! buy, to find new providers, to get excited about new products and services, TO BUY WHEN NO ONE ELSE IT. You’d better know who these folks are IN YOUR BUSINESS CATEGORY and where to find ‘em and how to attract ‘em.
Materi#2 : Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen - Cash in Flash 2 DVD (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)

"Who Are Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen?
Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen are best selling authors in their own right and together.
Mark Victor Hansen is co-author with Jack Canfield of the hugely popular Chicken Soup For The Soul series of books made up of inspiration stories.
See Chicken Soup books at Amazon - over 140 million of these books have been sold worldwide.
Robert Allen is the author of Multiple Streams of Income and Nothing Down
Together they wrote The One Minute Millionaire."
"I think there are three issues with ""making money"" :
1. Having the right mindset - too often people hold themselves back because they don't think they are worthy of success or don't have the courage and confidence to take a controlled risk.
2. Spotting the right opportunities - I think it was Brian Tracy who said something along the lines of ""everybody has three ideas that could make them a millionaire each year"" (that was the gist of it).
3. Having the skills and knowledge to be able to seize the opportunity and make the most of it.
This is what Cash in a Flash will teach you."
Materi#3 : Eben Pagan - Get Altitude 2 DVD (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)

Eben Pagan and Yanik Silver share secrets for growing your business. (
"I just wanted to take a minute to tell you what the Altitude program actually IS - so you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's RIGHT for you.
The Altitude Program is an intensive ""Top Gun CEO Training"" program for entrepreneurs and business founders who want to learn the methods I've assembled and developed... that helped me grow my business from startup... to over $20 Million per year in sales.
In this program, I cover all of the key elements of growing a company...
From leadership and time management... to targeting niches and creating products... to advertising and marketing... to hiring and managing people... to creating systems that automate your business.
This is a complete ""High-Growth Business Training"" in a professional, organized format.
It's easy to understand, and VERY powerful. "
"If you want to learn how to build your business to the $10 Million per year level - and beyond, then there is NOTHING like Altitude to help you do it.
It's the only course of its kind, and I guarantee that it will help you get RESULTS. "
Materi#4 : James Gwee & Friends - Grab Your Audience! Home Study (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)

"Belajar bagaimana menjadi pembicara yang baik dari para pembicara terbaik di dunia, temukan apa rahasia mereka sehingga banyak orang terkesima dalam mendengar setiap ucapannya."
* Bung Karno, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Megawati, Aa'Gym.
* James Gwee & Grab Your Audience's Certified Trainers.
* Oprah Winfrey, Barrack Obama, Leonardo Di Caprio.
* James Gwee & Grab Your Audience's Certified Trainers.
* Barrack Obama, Ron Kaufman.
* James Gwee & Grab Your Audience's Certified Trainers.
* Martin Luther King, Kate Winslet, Miley Cyrus.
* James Gwee & Grab Your Audience's Certified Trainers. "
Materi#5 : Tung Desem W - Standard of Your Life 1 CD + ebook + Action List + Mindmap + Checklist + Question (Harga Ecer Rp. 60.000,-)

Produk ini dijual seharga 500rb dan sudah sold out di website aslinya, jadi Anda beruntung mendapatkannya disini.
Materi ini menguak rahasia bagaimana menciptakan standar hidup yang berkualitas.
Materi#6 : Adam Khoo - Paving The Way To The Top $97 (Harga Ecer Rp. 60.000,-)

"Discover The 6 Simple Steps That Pushed Me To Make $1,000,000.00 By Just Age 26!"
Detail produk klik di
Materi#7 : Adam Khoo - Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires $147 (Harga Ecer Rp. 90.000,-)

"Discover The *7 Steps To Financial Freedom* That Transformed Me Into A Millionaire At Just Age 26...
So YOU Can Sack Your Boss, Quit Your Dead-End Job, And Catapult Yourself To Financial Success!"
Detail produk klik di
Materi#8 : Adam Khoo - Patterns Of Excellence $127 (Harga Ecer Rp. 90.000,-)

"Discover The *Patterns Of Excellence* That Only The TOP 1% Of Successful Individuals In The World Use To Become Extremely Rich, Successful, And Happy In Life!"
Detail produk klik di
Materi#9 : Adam Khoo - 7 Steps to Financial Freedom (MP3)
Materi#10 : Adam Khoo - 6 Ways to Achieve Anything You Want In Life (MP3)
Materi#11 : Adam Khoo - Superkids Secrets (MP3)
Materi#12 : Adam Khoo - Wealth Academy Secret (MP3)
Materi#13 : Andrie Wongso - 10 Wisdom Inspiration & Motivation Stories Vol. 6
Materi#14 : Andrie Wongso - 10 Wisdom Inspiration & Motivation Stories Vol. 7
Materi#15 : Andrie Wongso - 10 Wisdom Inspiration & Motivation Stories Vol. 8
Materi#16 : Andrie Wongso - 10 Wisdom Inspiration & Motivation Stories Vol. 9
Materi#17 : Ongky Hojanto - NLP Blueprint (Video)
Materi#18 : Subhan Rizky - Hipnoterapi Blueprint 5 CD (Harga Ecer Rp. 20.000,-)
- Bagaimana Menggunakan Hypnosis dalam Penjualan
- Hypnosis untuk hiburan
- Hypnosis untuk penurunan berat badan
- Menghancurkan Mental Block yang Menghambat
- Penggunaan Hypnosis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Materi#19 : Video Sales Pro Secret - (Harga Ecer Rp. 90.000,-)
About Author
Frank Rumbauskas -
New York Times Best-Selling Author
Winner of 'Business Book of the Year' from 800-CEO-READ
Sales Letter of This Product
" Hi,
I'm Frank Rumbauskas, and I'm going to teach you secrets that most salespeople will never know.
I used to spend every day cold calling, like my managers told me to, and it didn't work. Tired of struggling to pay my bills, I read every sales book, listened to every tape, and started going to seminars.
You know what?
None of it worked for me. I still wasn't making my numbers."
Frustrated, I sought out the top sales professionals in my community, who were making over six figures per year, and spent as much time with them as possible learning what really works. And much of that information really surprised me.
I took all of that knowledge and created a system. I learned how to generate an endless supply of hot, qualified leads without cold calling.
Before I knew it, I was taking home over five figures per month in commissions, and I never made another cold call again.
More importantly, I was happy. I no longer lived in fear of losing my job, and I never had to worry about paying my bills again. Life was suddenly stress-free and easy.
And now I want to share these secrets with you, free, including:
- How cold calling destroys your status as a business equal.
- Why ""persistence"" is not the answer! (I'll tell you what is.)
- A fast & easy trick to take back your power in sales appointments.
- The one major difference between sales failures and sales superstars.
- Why sales is not a numbers game.
- How to instantly increase your sales and get prospects to buy right now.
- Why sales funnels & forecasts are wasting your time and hurting your numbers.
Seluruh materi diatas dikemas dalam 1 paket dengan HARGA GILLAAA, yaitu :
Paket Sukses 13 (PS13)
Harga = Rp. 300.000,-
Tunggu apa lagi segera pesan sekarang juga !

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