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Versi 2
Materi terus diupdate, so pastikan Anda melakukan update
Materi#1 : New Sales & Marketing Revolution (seminar 5 hari - 30 jam)
REAL VALUE Senilai Rp. 3.997.000,-
Sales dan Marketing adalah kunci kesuksesan bisnis Anda, pelajari dan terapkan materi dahsyat ini untuk merevolusi bisnis Anda
Dalam seminar ini anda akan mempelajari :
7 Hukum Alam Tentang Penjualan yg Akan Meningkatkan Penjualan Anda 2000% dlm Waktu 6 Bulan / Kurang
Rahasia Meningkatkan Omzet Anda Sampai 31.500% Tanpa Biaya Tambahan
12 Pilar Untuk Menyentuh dan Mendominasi Market
Fokus dalam Merevolusi Cara Marketing Anda
Bagaimana Menjual Produk dan Jasa Anda dalam 3 Detik atau Kurang
Mendesain Ulang Total Strategi Marketing Anda
Bagaimana Mengkaitkan Produktivitas dengan Penghasilan
Bagaimana Melakukan Monitoring sehingga Produktivitas Sales Anda Naik 500%
Bagaimana Membentuk Sales Team yang Dahsyat
Teknik Menulis Iklan yang Dijamin Meningkatkan Omset
Tips Marketing dari Pakar Marketing Indonesia & Dunia
Teknik Memasang Iklan Gratis Bahkan Dapat Uang Ketika Iklan Terpasang
Referral Teknik
Seni Mendapatkan Publisitas untuk Branding Anda
dan masih banyak sekali materi yang bisa Anda pelajari dari semua materi diatas
Bonus Materi :
- Bagaimana Beriklan Branding Dengan Modal Kecil Profit Dahsyat
- Bagaimana Membuat Sales Tim Yang Komit Dg Targetnya Tanpa Dimotivasi
- Bagaimana Menghadapi Kompetitor Produk Yang Dibawah Harga Pasar
- Book Recommendation
- Wawancara Dengan Ahli Di Bidang Sales & Marketing
Materi#2 : Joe Girard - How To Sell Anything To Anybody
About the Author
Joe Girard was voted the World's Greatest Salesman for twelve years in a row by the Guinness Book of Records. He is the author of a number of books, including How to Close Every Sale, Can't Lose Sales Tips from the World's Greatest Salesman, and How to Sell Anything to Anybody.On this audio he share his tips for selling your most important product -- yourself.
Product Description
The World's Greatest Salesman tells how he made a fortune - and how you can, too! Joe Girard knows what it takes to go into the trenches every day and come out with sales - and he knows how to help you too. In this book he shows how any salesperson in any field can achieve extraordinary success the Joe Girard way: going belly to belly with customers and making every right move to get the final sale. From what to say and how to say it to making cold calls that work and "locking up" a wavering buyer, here is the complete unrivaled Girard selling system, including:
- Joe Girard's 250 rules - it can pyramid into 250 more sales
- The secret of developing customer profiles to guarantee future sales
- The art of bird-dogging, and how it will put other people to work for you
- Joe Girard's unique method of seeing a potential customer as both a friend and adversary
- Five ways to turn a prospect into a buyer - every time
Materi#3 : Joe Girard - Can't Lose Sales Tips
Joe Girard wasn't always a success. He grew up in the ghettos of Detroit, never finished high school, and lost his home building business and his home before starting over as a salesman. During that 15 year career, he sold over 13,000 cars -- averaging six per day! Each sale was an individual retail sale, no fleets.
Joe Girard has been in the trenches and he knows what works.
In this collection, Joe shares his own story, and addresses such topics as:
- Sales ethics and the importance of your reputation
- How to find customers during slow times
- How and when to interact with a prospect and involve them in your presentation
- Customer service and mobilizing the people in your company to keep customers happy -- and coming back for more
Whether selling a service, a product, or yourself, Joe Girard's proven techniques are perfect advice for those just entering sales as well as the "pros" who feel they know it all.
Materi#4 : Joe Girard - How to Close Every Sales
Joe Girard, best-selling author and the man who can sell anything to anybody, knows that salespeople are paid to do one thing: to close the sale. Now the world's greatest salesman takes you step by step through the selling process - straight past the gatekeeper and into the prospect's office. He shows you how to overcome objections and how to close even the most difficult sale. Here are the inside tips, the philosophy, the fundamental principles, and the crucial fine points many salesmen overlook. Let Joe teach you:
- What to say to the procrastinator who wants to "think it over"
- How to overcome the objection: "I want to shop around"
- How to deal with "I need to talk it over with my wife"
- Three dynamic ways to convert your office into a billboard to promote your number-one product - you
- How to make a prospect feel "obligated" to buy your product
- How to recognize the right times for subtle high pressure tactics
- How to go double or nothing - and close that sale now or never!
Materi#5 : George Kahn - The 36 Biggest Mistakes Salespeople Make and How to Correct Them
Materi#6 : Tad James - 5 Step Sales Technique
Materi#7 : 16 Cox & Stevens - Selling the Wheel
Materi#8 : 16 How to Cold Call Senior Managment
Materi#9 : 16 Rich Dad's Advisors - Sales Dogs
Materi#10 : 32 Jeffery & Lisa Combs - Psychology of Prospecting
Materi#11 : 32 Stephen Chandler - JOY OF SELLING
Materi#12 : Alec MacKenzie - Time to Sell
Materi#13 : Ari Galper - Reverse Selling
Materi#14 : Barry Siskind - Double Your Tradeshow Results
Materi#15 : Charles Roth & Roy Alexander - Secrets Of Closing Sales
Materi#16 : Chris Howard - Skyrocket Your Sales
Materi#17 : Dan Kennedy - Midas Touch Selling
Materi#18 : David Peoples (Selling to the Top)
Materi#19 : David Sandler - Close the Deal
Materi#20 : Donald Moine
Materi#21 : Doug Edwards - Sales Questions Are the Answer S
Materi#22 : Doug Hall - Sales Creativity
Materi#23 : Douglas Edwards - What is a Professional Salesman
Materi#24 : Eric Lofholm
Materi#25 : Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino
Materi#26 : Harry Beckwith - Selling Invisible
Materi#27 : Harry Beckwith - What Clients Love
Materi#28 : Jerry Hocutt - Cold Calling On The Telephone
Materi#29 : Guy Kawasaki - Using Evangelism to sell products companies and ideas
Materi#30 : Kinder Brothers - Secrets Of Successful Sales
Materi#31 : Krause Hal (Masters of Success - with Sales)
Materi#32 : Lee Pulos (Successfull Selling - The Self Talk Way)
Materi#33 : Mark McCormack - On Selling
Materi#34 : Michael Hall (Meta Selling)
Materi#35 : Michael Price - How To Get Unending Referrals
Materi#36 : Neil Rackham (SPIN Selling - The Large Sale)
Materi#37 : Og Mandino - The Richest Man in Babylon
Materi#38 : Oliver Crom (Sales Advantage)
Materi#39 : Orvel Wilson, Jay Levinson & Bill Gallagher (Guerrilla Selling)
Materi#40 : Peter Lowe - How To Sell Far More Effectively
Materi#41 : Selling for Dummies - Tom Hopkins
Materi#42 : Spencer Johnson (with Larry Wilson) - One Minute Sales Person
Materi#43 : Tad James - 5 Step Sales Technique
Materi#44 : Tony Alessandra (Non Manipulative Selling)
Materi#45 : Michael.Levokove.The.selling.edge
Materi#46 : Peter Lowe - the most advanced course in selling...ever (nlp)
Materi#47 : Kafi Kurnia - Ilmu Beladiri Marketing 2 CD
Materi#48 : Kafi Kurnia - Intuisi dan Peluang Dalam Marketing 2 CD
Materi#49 : Kafi Kurnia - Kreativitas & Inovasi Dalam Marketing 2 CD
Materi#50 : Kafi Kurnia - Survival Marketing 2 CD
Seluruh materi diatas dikemas dalam 1 paket dengan HARGA GILLAAA, yaitu :
Paket Sales & Marketing Revolution (SMRM),
Harga = Rp. 400.000,-
Tunggu apa lagi segera pesan sekarang juga !
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