Jual DVD Rocketbox Libraries – Complete Characters, 3D Character Model

Versi 1
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What is this?!
Complete Characters is a library of 104 realistic human 3D Characters, especially created for real-time environments like computer games, simulations and other virtual worlds.
Included are:
- 104 characters for 3ds Max or Maya
- 100 ready made animations
- Each character in 3 different polycounts
- complete bone skeleton, skinning and 100 animations
- 2048 x 2048 pixel textures as Photoshop psd files
- Customizable layers + normal bump maps and specular maps
Complete Set of 3 DVDs.
Bagi Anda yang bergelut dengan bidang 3D, tentu sangat membutuhkan paket ini karena dengan library ini Anda tidak perlu mendesain orang-orang untuk keperluan project Anda, cukup gunakan library ini maka akan banyak menghemat waktu Anda dalam mengerjakan project.

Materi diatas dikemas dalam satu paket, yaitu :
Paket Rocket Box Character (RBC)
Harga = Rp. 60.000,-
Tunggu, ada bonus spesial buat Anda yang pesan hari ini...
*** Special Bonus ***
EVERMOTION - 3D people Vol.1

3D people volume 1 gives you 50 highly detailed and shadered models of people. Every model is shadered and ready to render.

Tunggu apa lagi segera pesan sekarang juga !

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