Bila kita tahu caranya, maka hidup ini tidak sulit...
Bila kita tahu caranya, kesuksesan cepat dan mudah diraih...
Dan bila kita belajar kepada para terbaik di dunia, maka kita akan tahu caranya...

Paket Sukses 10

Versi 1
Materi terus diupdate
, so pastikan Anda melakukan update

Materi#1 : 5 Secret Pentagons Of Selling 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Dibawakan oleh pakar marketing berpengalaman FX Hadi, MBA, Menjual bukan berarti sekadar jualan produk. Lebih dari itu, sebenarnya Anda menjual perusahaan/korporat, termpat Anda bekerja, dan menjual diri Anda sendiri! Salah satu dasar dari aktivitas marketing adalah penjualan produk. Punya latar belakang bisnis atau tidak, pintar atau tidak, seseorang yang memutuskan menggeluti sebuah bisnis, harus melakukan penjualan produk. Agar Anda menjadi seorang penjual yang hebat, Anda perlu memahami dan menjalankan 5 hal penting tersebut.

Materi#2 : 8 Langkah Efektif Menyusun Rencana Pemasaran 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#3 : Creative and Innovative Marketing Mix 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#4 : Experiential Marketing 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#5 : From Family Business To Professional Management 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#6 : Handling & Solving Customer Complaints 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#7 : Implementing Blue Ocean Strategy In Management 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#8 : Planning, Monitoring & Evaluating The Sales Performance 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#9 : Practical Coaching & Delegating Skills 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#10 : The New Paradigm of Leadership 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Dalam paparannya kali ini Bpk FX Hadi menekankan pentingnya setiap orang belajar tentang leadership atau kepemimpinan. Bagi pemimpin perusahaan, dituntut memiliki kepekaan untuk senantiasa melakukan perubahan cara memimpin. "Seorang leader harus bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan kultur setempat, di mana perusahaan itu beroperasi,"  Menurut beliau, boleh jadi seorang leader sukses di daerah A atau perusahaan B, tapi gagal saat ditugaskan memimpin di daerah C atau perusahaan D. Mengapa bisa terjadi demikian ? Ikuti rahasia leadership pada CD ini.

Materi#11 : Win-Win Relationship Between Principal & Distributor 2 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Materi#12 : Financial Freedom 6 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 60.000,-)

Bong Chandra, Motivator Termuda No 1 Asia dan merupakan pembicara fenomenal di Asia. Di usia 18 tahun, Bong Chandra telah memberikan seminar ke lebih dari 13.000 orang mulai dari mahasiswa, dosen, karyawan, pengusaha, investor, distributor, dll. Murid terbaik dari Tung Desem Waringin ini telah sukses menyelenggarakan seminar Miracle in Life, Global Wealth Summit.

Materi pembahasan :

  • Bagaimana meningkatkan penghasilan anda sampai 100.000% dalam 10 bulan atau kurang
  • 9 cara menjadi MILYARDER dalam 1 tahun
  • 4 strategi tercepat menuju Ultra Kaya
  • Bagaimana membangun bisnis Jutaan Dollar dimulai dari Nol
  • Bagaimana mengubah tekanan hidup menjadi peluang
  • Bagaimana menghasilkan passive income
  • Cara kaya di era informasi, cara mengaktifkan otak kanan
  • 5 tipe income dan cara mencapainya
  • Bagaimana menentukan Financial Goal
  • Jenis arus kas orang miskin, orang kaya dan orang menengah
  • Sukses berbisnis dengan mengubah pertanyaan
  • Kaya dari internet
  • dll

Materi#13 : Re-Design Your Destiny 1 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 10.000,-)

5 Rahasia Mendapatkan Apapun yang Anda Inginkan dengan MINDSET dibawakan oleh Bong Chandra

Materi#14 : Sales Mastery 3 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 30.000,-)

Dibawakan oleh Bong Chandra, Materi pembahasan :

  • Bagaimana menjual APApun, KAPANpun, DIMANApun, dengan SIAPApun.
  • Mengenal 7 Tipe Customer
  • 6 Kebutuhan Dasar Pembeli

Materi#15 : Unlimited Wealth 1 CD (Harga Eceran Rp. 10.000,-)

Dalam cd audio Unlimited Wealth yang dibawakan oleh Bong Chandra ini Anda akan mendapatkan motivasi bisnis :

  • 17 hari menuju Kebebasan Finansial
  • Bagaimana menjadi miliarder dalam 1 tahun atau kurang
  • Bagaimana membangun bisnis bernilai jutaan dolar dengan modal nol
  • Bagaimana mengubah ide menjadi mesin uang 24 jam

Materi#16 : TDW - How To Destroy Procrastination in Life (Harga Eceran Rp. 30.000,-)


Didalam pembelajaran ini Anda akan mempelajari tentang :

    • 11 Alasan TERPENTING mengapa Anda terus menunda apa yang penting dalam hidup Anda
    • Bagaimana memastikan Anda mengerjakan apa yang selalu diTUNDA saat ini juga ( pelajari cara menggunakan ramuan P___ and P_______ )
    • Penjelasan Ilmiah mengapa Anda menunda, dan bagaimana mengubah sesuatu yang tidak ingin kerjakan hingga menjadi SANGAT INGIN dikerjakan
    • Cara membuang penundaan , menanam tindakan dan menuai keajaiban
    • FAKTA MENGEJUTKAN : semua orang memiliki to-do-list planner , tapi tidak memiliki stop-do-list planner . Apa itu, dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa menyelamatkan Anda dari stress berkepanjangan
    • HOT TOPIC : Makanan , Pola Hidup, Cara Berpikir , Bernafas dan Minuman seperti apa yang bisa membuat hidup Anda menjadi jauh lebih BERTENAGA , sehingga hilang sudah alasan menunda Anda karena SAKIT atau loyo
    • 4 Cara merubah kebiasaan menunda, yang membuat Anda TRAUMA untuk melakukan penundaan lagi, sehingga berbuah pada keajaiban dalam setiap tindakan demi tindakan yang Anda lakukan
    • dan masih banyak lagi pelajaran penting yang bisa Anda pelajari... 

Materi#17 : How To Break Income Record with Sales Breakthrough Part 1 (Harga Eceran Rp. 50.000,-)

  • 4 Unsur untuk meledakkan Income dari Sales
  • 3 Rahasia Cara Memecahkan Rekor
  • Rahasia Membuat Alasan yang Kuat untuk memecahkan Rekor Sales Anda
  • Rahasia Membuat Penawaran yang sangat menarik dan bisa di percaya
  • Studi Kasus : Financial Revolution Book

Materi#18 : How To Break Income Record with Sales Breakthrough Part 2

  • Jurus sakti menjadi yang terbaik dibidang Anda
  • Membuat orang lari mengambil penawaran Anda dengan metode USPS
  • Strategi mendesak orang membeli saat ini
  • Rahasia Membuat Headline Perkasa
  • Trik membuat nilai tambah yang begitu besar
  • Studi Kasus : Marketing Revolution Book 

Materi#19 : Design Your Life To The Top (Harga Eceran Rp. 25.000,-)

  • Cara Mendesain kehidupan Anda sesuai dengan yang Anda impikan
  • Menentukan Arti Hidup Anda
  • Strategi Dalam Hidup yang Mencerahkan
  • Memaksimalkan 3 area kehidupan Anda
  • Membuat Identitas diri yang positif
  • Cara memberi arti dari setiap kejadian yang membuat Anda menjadi jauh lebih bersemangat 

Materi#20 : Jack Canfield - Success Principles ($29.95) (Harga Eceran Rp. 25.000,-)

Success Principle

Seven Steps to Accelerate Your Life From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be!

in this fast-paced, entertaining and powerful program, Jack will share his latest breakthrough principles and detail how you, too, can use them to rapidly achieve your goals in your career, your finances and your personal life. Here are just a few of the concepts Jack’s covers in-depth:

You will learn about...

  • How what you think makes you weak or strong
  • Seven key areas in creating a personal vision
  • Two simple questions that accelerate the achievement of your goals
  • How to change the outcome of any event, simply by changing your response to it
  • The Rule of Five for achieving your "breakthrough goal"

The Success Principles come alive in this 62 minute DVD that also included bonus features such as an in-depth interview with Jack, audience Q&A session, and more!

Materi#21 : Brian Tracy - Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires ($19.97)


Brian Tracy adalah Chairman dan CEO dari Brian Tracy International, sebuah perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam latihan dan pengembangan individu dan perusahaan. Brian Tracy telah melakukan konsultasi lebih dari seribu perusahaan dan lebih dari empat juta orang di empat ribu pertemuan dan seminar di seluruh US, Canada dan 40 negara lainnya di dunia. Sebagai seorang pembicara dan pemimpin seminar, ia berbicara kepada lebih dari 250000 orang tiap tahunnya.

Menjadi millioner telah dipelajari secara mendalam selama bertahun - tahun. Kabar baiknya adalah bahwa kesuksesan ini bukanlah sutau kebetulan. Sukses dapat dipelajari dan meninggalkan jejak. Dan yang lebih menggembirakan lagi adalah Anda dapat mengikuti jejak orang-orang sukses untuk mencapai tujuan utama Anda. Dalam presentasi ini, Brian akan memperlihatkan kepada Anda:

Jalan untuk keluar dari lingkungan dab berjalan ke arah yang benar
Bagaimana mengembangkan kemampuan untuk mengontrol dan berpikir rasional dalam hidup ini
16 kualitas atau kemampuan yang dapat memastikan kesuksesan Anda
10 ide metode \' Berpikir\" untuk menemukan tujuan diri.

Materi#22 : The Secret of Change (Harga Eceran Rp. 50.000,-)

Pernahkah Anda melakukan suatu hal dan tak kunjung mendapatkan apa yang Anda impikan?

Pernahkah Anda berusaha berubah dan sulit sekali? Mengapa kita sulit berubah? Apa yang menjadi penghalang?

Setiap dari kita menginginkan kesuksesan. Namun seringkali untuk mencapai hal tersebut kita harus terbentur-bentur lebih dahulu. Entah itu dikarenakan kita belum mengetahuinya atau bisa juga karena kita  sudah mengetahuinya tapi tak bisa menghindarinya.

Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Bagaimana sebenarnya mekanisme perubahan diri? Bagaimana memperbesar dan melewati zona kenyamanan kita? Apakah daya penghalang terbesar untuk perubahan diri dan bagaimana mengatasinya?  Bagaimana melakukan self-therapy untuk melepaskan mental blok / ganjalan emosi negatif yang ada dalam diri kita?

Dalam DVD “The Secret of Change” ini semuanya akan dikupas tuntas selama 6 jam oleh seorang pakar hypnosis.

Materi#23 : Bedah Franchise Bersama 8 Franchisor (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)

  • Tunas Jakasampurna Pra Sekolah
  • Ikki Bento
  • Magfood Amazy
  • UM-1 Indonesia
  • Blinger Burger
  • Ken Hermawan
  • PT.Trend Valasindo
  • ISI Kantor Konsultan Solusi

Materi#24 : Panduan Membangun Bisnis Franchise Yang Sukses (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)

  • CheckList Pembentukan Business Concept
  • Contoh Perjanjian Franchise
  • Contoh SOP franchisee minimarket
  • Contoh SOP franchisee perlengkapan bayi
  • Form Aplikasi Calon Franchisee
  • Form Survey Lokasi
  • Fungsi Panduan Franchisor
  • Organisasi Usaha
  • PP 42 2007 WARALABA
  • SOP Franchise recrutment
  • SOP Fungsi Service
  • SOP Fungsi Training IFBM

Materi#25 : Data Franchise Terlengkap di Indonesia (Harga Eceran Rp. 10.000,-)

Materi#26 : Intisari dari buku-buku bisnis dan motivasi dunia hadir dalam bentuk MP3 (Harga Eceran Rp. 10.000,-)

  • Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers Part1 - Robert Kriegel & David Brandt.mp3
  • Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers Part2 - Robert Kriegel & David Brandt.mp3
  • Say It Right The First Time - Lorreta Malandro.mp3
  • Scoring Points - Clive Humby & Terry Hunt with Tim Philips.mp3
  • Secret Formula - Frederick Allen.mp3
  • Secrets of Question Based Selling - Thomas A. Freese.mp3
  • Secrets of Six-Figure Women - Barbara Stanny.mp3
  • Secrets of Successful Speakers - Lilly Walters.mp3
  • Secrets to Real Estate Success - Jerry Pujals.mp3
  • Seeds of Innovation - Elaine Dundon.mp3
  • Self Motivation - Gael Lindenfield.mp3
  • Sell Your Self without Selling Your Soul - Susan Harrow.mp3
  • Selling the Dream - Guy Kawasaki.mp3
  • Selling the Invisible - Harry Beckwith.mp3
  • Selling the Wheel - Jeff Cox and Howard Stevens.mp3
  • Six Disciplines for Excellence - Gary Harpst.mp3
  • Six Thinking Hats - Edward De Bono.mp3
  • Small Business Survival Guide - Cliff Ennico.mp3
  • Start Late Finish Rich - David Bach.mp3
  • Start With NO - Jim Camp.mp3
  • Strategy Moves - Jorge A. Vasconcellos E S .mp3
  • Survival is Not Enough - Seth Godin.mp3
  • Taming Technology - Brian J. Nichelsen, Ph.D..mp3
  • Taming the Paper Tiger at Work - Barbara Hemphill.mp3
  • The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success - Brian Tracy.mp3
  • The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player - Jhon C. Maxwell.mp3
  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Jhon C. Maxwell.mp3
  • The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene.mp3
  • The 5 Temptations Of A Ceo - Patrick Leoncioni.mp3
  • The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra. M.D..mp3
  • The 8th Habit - Stephen R. Covey.mp3
  • The Agenda - Michael Hammer.mp3
  • The Art of the Start - Guy Kawasaki.mp3
  • The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach.mp3
  • The Baron Son - Vicky Therese Davis.mp3
  • The Big Picture - Edward Jay Epstein.mp3
  • The Biggest Game of All - Leo Hindery, Jr. with Leslie Cauley.mp3
  • The Customer Revolution - Patricia B. Seybold.mp3
  • The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E. Gerber.mp3
  • The Etiquette Advantage in Business - Peggy Post and Peter Post.mp3
  • The Idea Generator - Norman Bodek, Bunji Tozawa.mp3
  • The Job Search Solution - Tony Beshara.mp3
  • The Lazy Person's Guide to Investing - Paul B. Farrel, J.D., Ph.D..mp3
  • The Leaders Voice - Boyd Clarke and Ron Crossland.mp3
  • The Leadership Pipeline - Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel.mp3
  • The Lexus and the Olive Tree Part1 - Thomas L. Friedman.mp3
  • The Lexus and the Olive Tree Part2 - Thomas L. Friedman.mp3
  • The Long Tail - Chris Anderson.mp3
  • The Lost Choice - Andy Andrew.mp3
  • The Neglected Firm - Jorge A. Vasconcellos e Sa.mp3
  • The New Strategic Selling - Stephen E. Heiman and Diane Sanchez with Tad Tuleja.mp3
  • The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen.mp3
  • The Pied Pipers of Wall Street - Benjamin Mark Cole.mp3
  • The Power of 6 Sigma -Subie Chowdhury.mp3
  • The Power of Corporate Kinetics - Michael Fradette and Steve Michaud.mp3
  • The Power Principle - Stephen R. Covey and Blaine Lee.mp3
  • The Radical Leap - Steve Farber.mp3
  • The Rebel Rules - Chip Conley.mp3
  • The Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason.mp3
  • The Savvy Consumer - Elizabeth Leamy.mp3
  • The Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing - George Silverman.mp3
  • The Servant - James C. Hunter.mp3
  • The Seven Deadly Skills of Communicating - Ros Jay.mp3
  • The Speed of Trust - Stephen Covey, Rebecca A. Merril.mp3
  • The Thin Commandments Diet.mp3
  • The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell Abacus.mp3
  • The Toyota Way - Jeffrey K. Liker.mp3
  • The Trusted Advisor - David Maister, Charles H. ,Green Robert M. Galford.mp3
  • The Truth About Being a Leader - Dr. Karen Otazo.mp3
  • The Truth About Managing Your Career - Dr. Karen Otazo.mp3
  • The Weekend Millionaire's Secret to Investing in Real Estate - Mike Summey, Roger Dawson.mp3
  • The Womans Advantage -  Mary Cantando.mp3
  • the17indisputablelawsofteamwork.mp3
  • Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill.mp3
  • Thinking For A Change - Jhon C. Maxwell.mp3
  • Three Billion New Capitalists - Clyde Prestowitz.mp3
  • Topgrading - Bradford D. Smart, Ph.D.mp3
  • Trump Nation - Timothy L. O'Brien.mp3
  • Trust Me - Wayne Hastings and Ron Potter.mp3
  • Turbo Strategy - Brian Tracy.mp3
  • Value Added Selling - Tom Reilly.mp3
  • What Clients Love - Harry Beckwith.mp3
  • What Color Is Your Parachute - Richard N. Bolles.mp3
  • What is the Emperor Wearing - Laurie Weiss.mp3
  • What Management Is - Joan Magretta.mp3
  • What the CEO Wants You to Know - Ram Charan.mp3
  • What Works on Wallstreet part1 -  James O'Shaughnessey.mp3
  • What Works on Wallstreet part2 -  James O'Shaughnessey.mp3
  • What Works on Wallstreet part3 -  James O'Shaughnessey.mp3
  • What would Budda do at Work - Franz Metcalf & BJ Gallagher Hateley.mp3
  • Who Moved My Cheese - Dr. Spencer Johnson.mp3
  • Who Moved My Soap - Andy Borowitz.mp3
  • Who Says Elephants Can't Dance - Louis V. Gerstner, Jr..mp3
  • Why Good Girls dont Get Ahead - Kate White.mp3
  • Why We Want You to be Rich - Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki.mp3
  • Winning - Jack Welch with Suzy Welch.mp3
  • Winning the Knowledge Game - Alastair Rylatt.mp3
  • Winning With the People - John C. Maxwell.mp3
  • Wise Moves - George Ludwig.mp3
  • Working Globesmart - Ernest Gundling.mp3
  • Working with Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.mp3
  • Working With You is Killing Me - Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster.mp3
  • You Need to be a Little Crazy - Barry J. Moltz.mp3
  • Your Best Year Yet - Jinny S. Ditzler.mp3
  • Your Inner Edge - Charles Lambert, Ed.D..mp3
  • Your Marketing Sucks - Mark Stevens.mp3
  • Your Road Map for Success - John C. Maxwell.mp3
  • Zap the Gaps - Ken Blanchard, Dana Robinson, and Jim Robinson.mp3

Materi#27 : Barefoot Doctor - Manifesto - The Internal Revolution (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)


Self-help guru, hip healer and Observer columnist Barefoot Doctor brings you his witty and irreverent guide to understanding what you really want and getting it without trying. Are you ready to get what you've always wanted?The Barefoot Doctor has just the prescription of Taoist theory and good old common sense to show you how to manifest exactly what you want! Sound too good to be true? Read on:* A unique Barefoot Doctor blend of relaxation, visualisation, and affirmation techniques for specific wants.; Written and delivered in true Barefoot Doctor style; variously witty, light hearted, compassionate, sexy, friendly and downright random; full of wisdom and littered with encouragement and insights.; Continuing to build on Barefoot's self-help for a new generation -- a cool, alternative crowd who are looking for more to life.; A powerfully positive, quirky and humorous read. Dip in for daily guidance. Includes:; How to clear negative and limiting thought patterns to change the way you think and feel; A discussion about the topic of human desire, our underlying need to continually improve ourselves, understanding what it is we really want, AND, how we should enjoy the wanting as well as the getting!

Materi#28 : Carl Rogers - Being Yourself ($39.60)

Materi#29 : Larry Crane - The Abundance Course ( - $279)

Release Technique “The Unexpected Secret” That’s So Effective Even Die-Hard Skeptics can’t Disprove It… It’s so effective and fast acting… even Harvard University Researchers are forced to admit it works… Scientifically Verified. Harvard University, Columbia University, Princeton University, and UCLA Research studies have validated the effectiveness of the Release Technique. * Have all the money you want, regardless of the economy * Improve your health * Rid yourself of fear, phobias, anxiety and panic attacks * Experience success in all areas of your life * Feel safe and secure all the time * Eliminate stress instantly—on demand * Become an extremely effective decision maker * Improve your relationships dramatically. It Works. It’s Proven. It Is Priceless.

Materi#30 : Paul R Scheele - Dream Play ($28.95) (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)

Dream Play

Dreams can be a source of tremendous personal wealth. Through dreams you can gain access to inner strength, inspiration, and creative genius. Explore your vast, uncharted dream world to discover how dreams can work for you. Use dreams to solve problems, rehearse activities, improve productivity, gain insight, integrate personal changes, and make sense of our complex universe.

"Dreaming may be the most important self-development opportunity we have."

         ...says Dr. Stephen LaBerge of the Stanford Sleep Research Laboratory and the Lucidity Institute.

But, as you know, there are two important and sometime challenging steps: 1) program your dreams, and 2) recall dreams..Dream Play will help you program your dreams in a way to access problem solving, precognition, intuition, and decision making. Dream Play will also help you become more conscious of dreams while you are dreaming. It will help you become lucid so that you can actually direct your dreams while you are dreaming.

This provocative CD is a must for PhotoReaders as well as anyone interested in tapping into the vast world of dreams.

Dream solutions to problems.
Dream how your relationships can work.
Dream yourself applying the principles from books you PhotoRead.

If you are a Star Trek fan, your bed can become your own Holodeck for any exotic adventure. Do you ski? Then, program yourself to dream about taking ski lessons and skiing perfectly and effortlessly in your dreams. If you are like other Paraliminal fans, you will ski better as a result.

Musicians have learned how dreams can help when learning a new piano piece. When they dream about the piece, it becomes memorized. This frees the musician to concentrate on playing—not on the sheet music.

Materi#31 : Paulo Coelho -The Alchemist - Unabridged (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)

Materi#32 : Stephen R. Covey - The 8th Habit From Effectivness To Greatness

8 Habit

In today's challenging and complex world, being highly effective is the price of entry to the playing field. To thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in this new reality, we must reach beyond effectiveness toward fulfillment, contribution, and greatness. Research is showing, however, that the majority of people are not thriving. They are neither fulfilled nor excited. Tapping into the higher reaches of human motivation requires a new mindset, a new skill-set --a new habit. Dr. Covey's new book, The 8th Habit®: From Effectiveness to Greatness, is a roadmap to help you find daily fulfillment and excitement.

Materi#33 : Dr. Lloyd Glauberman - HPP Personal Ecology ( - $36.37)

Personal Ecology

Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP) is a unique and effective form of hypnosis that uses specially recorded voices to weave a story telling experience that gently overloads your conscious mind and guides you into a relaxed state to receive positive suggestions. These stories are powerful metaphors combining proven elements of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and each program focuses on specific goals that you wish to accomplish.

This program does all the work for you. There are no journals to keep or tasks to do. Just sit back, put on the headphones and listen to the multiple hypnotic format. The changes you experience will be spontaneous and fluid as you seamlessly integrate these new healthy patterns into your life. Inner obstacles and bad habits will disappear, allowing your true potential to emerge. 

Soon you will notice positive changes occurring spontaneously throughout your life. Because they spring from your own unconscious mind, you will notice these positive changes appearing at the right times, in the right places and with the right people. All you need is a CD player, some headphones, and 30 minutes of time to sit down, listen to your program, and relax. Discover how HPP will make the difference in your life as it has in the lives of so many others. 

Having a positive self-attitude affects everything we do and impacts all the people around us - from friends to co-workers. Personal Ecology is a unique tool for creating and reinforcing a healthy and positive self image. As you listen, you can expect new positive thoughts and behaviors to spontaneously appear in your life. Become calm and centered, avoid self-sabotage, and tap into your inner personal power. Dr. Glauberman utilizes Hypno-Peripheral Processing, or HPP, a dynamic technology that puts the tremendous and largely untapped power of your subconscious mind into your hands.

Materi#34 : Dr. Lloyd Glauberman - HPP Procrastination - A Rythmic Approach ( - $36.37)


It's hard to stay focused -- we've all had bills we forgot to pay, rushed to mail our taxes at the last minute, or put off starting that term paper. Now you can program your unconscious mind to stop procrastination and to begin important tasks on time. The changes you experience will be spontaneous and fluid as you become motivated and disciplined -- instinctively taking the right steps to accomplish your goals. Dr. Glauberman utilizes Hypno-Peripheral Processing, or HPP, a dynamic technology that puts the tremendous and largely untapped power of your subconscious mind into your hands. 

Materi#35 : Bill Harris - Masters of the Secret (Harga Eceran Rp. 15.000,-)

Harness The Law of Attraction
to Improve Your Life Right Now!
You're about to discover the amazing power of The Law of Attraction and how it impacts your personal growth, spirituality, prosperity and success. Throughout these eight easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement lessons, you'll learn how to...

Master The Law of Attraction & apply it to your life right now...
Focus your mind with laser-beam intensity so you can achieve any goal...
Turn any adversity into an even greater success...
Find out who you are & answer the age-old question "what's it all about?"
Understand what self-sabotage is & how to stop it instantly...
Tap the hidden reservoir of positive energy that surrounds us all...

Materi#36 : Bob Proctor - Success Puzzle ( - $195)

Success Puzzle

Sometimes, putting your life together is like trying to put a puzzle together without the cover picture on the puzzle box. How are you supposed to know how to build without a guide to help you?

In The Success Puzzle, Bob Proctor provides that step-by-step guide so that you can create the masterpiece of your life.

Stop for a minute and ask yourself this: Are you really building the picture you've always wanted for your life? If you're not building the picture you want, you're working on the wrong puzzle . . . and this is where Bob Proctor begins in this program, The Success Puzzle.

This easy-to-follow audio program (with workbook) helps you first decide on what it is you want your life to look like. Then, through a fun goal-setting exercise, Bob Proctor helps you prioritize the primary action steps you'll be taking to build this life of your dreams (the frame of the puzzle, so to speak).

Once the framework is in place, you'll learn:

Where your habits came from and how to change them
How to work with the laws of the Universe to achieve your goals in the easiest way possible.
How to draw upon the infinite supply
How to eliminate all obstacles blocking your path.
A four-step process to make effective decisions! (This is not in any other Proctor program)
How to work on the various sections of your life in orderly yet fast-paced motion.
The importance of commitment to success
A better way to deal with restraints, delays and negative consciousness that seek to slow your masterpiece-building pace.
How to build in greater color, enthusiasm and passion in all facets of your life.

As you build this primary puzzle, you'll assimilate the simple lessons and steps it takes to build on new projects and ambitions throughout your life. You'll solve the Success Puzzle for your initial masterpiece, and for every masterpiece project and direction you take from then on.

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Materi#37 : David Allen - Getting Things Done Fast ( - $195) (Harga Eceran Rp. 20.000,-)

Getting Things Done

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Paket Sukses 10 (PS10)
Harga = Rp.  200.000,-

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